“How often do you visit your dentist?” is a question we often think about and maybe afraid of! One of our main concerns is whether or not we or someone in our family has cavities and we book to avoid it getting worse.

If you have any fear of the dentist’s chair, you are not alone! Studies have revealed that about 15% of Australians are anxious when it comes to their dental visits. However, there are many other reasons why a regular dental check-up is beneficial for you no matter how nervous you might feel.

Here are top 6 reasons why you should have a regular dental checkup:

1)Preventative dental care:

Prevention is always better than cure! Visiting your dentist regularly is essential to maintain the health of your mouth. You should have your teeth and gum checked-up at least every six months or as per your dentist recommendation.

During these visits, problems can be detected early, and if fixed early, can usually mean less pain and less money to be spent on dental treatments.

2) Professional Removal of Plaque

As diligent as you are about your oral health, plaque and tartar can build up on places on your teeth that you can’t reach or simply can’t see. That build up can cause problems. A professional cleaning by your dentist or your dental hygienist will help remove them, which will help you keep a healthy smile.

3) Oral cancer screening

If you visit the dentist regularly, your dentist will be able to observe any signs of oral cancer early on during the dental check-up. They will check your mouth, gums, throat and surrounding tissues for any sign of abnormalities.

2) Personalised oral care advice:

At the check-up, your dentist will examine how well you have been maintaining your oral health. They can not only tell how regularly you have been flossing and brushing but also if your technique needs improvement. If you have been seeing your dentist regularly, they will have the background history if your teeth have moved, responded to various treatments, or have been affected by grinding for example This will help them provide you with future treatment options that are most effective for your oral care and prevent costly future treatments.

5) Maintain Dental Restoration:

Your dentist can monitor how your crowns, fillings, and bridges are doing at a dental checkup and restore them quickly if required at first signs of problems which will lengthen their lifespan.

6) Support Well-Being and Address Anxiety:

Sometimes, a person will avoid going to the dentist even if they are in pain due to their anxiety. It is important to find a dentist that you are comfortable with. Over time, regular dental check ups may reduce your anxiety and you will be able to properly address your oral health and support your well being.

So the next time you feel that nudge to visit the dentist and get a dental check up, remember that the benefits are numerous. They outweigh the inconvenience of doing it! These appointments are essential for your overall health and should not be overlooked!

Legends dental is a family based dental clinic, and our experienced dentists have successfully helped many patients with dental anxiety over the years. From our caring, compassionate, and gentle staff, to our relaxing environment and modern techniques, you can rest assured that you will be in good hands

When did you last have a dental check-up? Book your appointment today with Legends Dental!

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