Implant Dentistry

Dental implants are the most effective tooth replacement option available today.

This modern restorative procedure offers numerous benefits to the health and aesthetics of your smile, including preventing bone loss and restoring your ability to chew and speak normally.

If you’re dealing with a missing tooth or two, or if you’ve been told you need to have a tooth removed, talk to us. Our dentists take a special interest in restorative procedures and proudly offer modern and high-quality tooth implant restorations here at Legends Dental.

The Best Way to Replace Missing Teeth

  • Dental implants work by taking the place of your missing root and replicating your natural tooth structure.
  • High-tech tooth implants are created with specialized, biocompatible materials and offer permanent results.
  • Finish your implant with a dental crown, bridge, or denture and smile proudly once again. We’ll help you understand what type of restoration works best for your needs.
Dental Implants FAQ
What are dental implants made out of?

Dental implants are made out of durable material such as titanium or zirconium oxide which is surgically placed into the jawbone. Implants usually replaces the root portion of the tooth, and an attachment made of porcelain or zirconium would attach it, replacing the crown portion of the tooth (what you see in your mouth).

How long do dental implants last?

Dental implants are designed to last over 30 years but that all depends on how well you take care of them. It is important to practice good oral hygiene and have regular dental check ups to support the life expectancy of your dental implants.

Is the dental implant procedure painful?

Dental implant procedures are usually done under local anaesthesia. You might experience some mild soreness or swelling AFTER the procedure but this can be fairly managed by over the counter pain medication or prescribed painkillers by your dentist

At Legends dental, we can also provide sedation should you have any concern about the surgical procedure. If you need more information about this option, please get in touch with our team or book a dental consultation with our experienced dentists.

How long does the implant process take?

Each patient case is unique so the process time will vary from one patient to another. However, the typical process takes a few months. If you are concerned about a missing tooth (especially if it was a front tooth) and need an immediate replacement, sometimes the dentist can provide a temporary solution to replace the missing tooth while you are undergoing the implant procedure.

Can implants replace multiple missing teeth?

Yes, dental implants can replace multiple missing teeth, in fact, even if you have no teeth in your mouth at all, a full bridge supported by dental implants can replace all your teeth in a process call ALL ON 4 or ALL ON X. Our team at Legends Dental are experienced in this type of treatment.

How old do I need to be eligible for dental implants?

A dental implant is mostly suitable for people over the age of 18.The age is not the determining factor, it is mostly dependent on whether have sufficient jawbone for the implant, on your general health and any medications that you may be consuming

What is the cost association with dental implants?

An implant cost is roughly be between $4500 – $6000 per tooth. That would include the titanium fixture that replaces the root and the porcelain or zirconium crown that goes on that top.

A different price will be provided upon consultation for multiple missing teeth supported by an implant bridge.