My Journey with Invisalign: The Benefits and Surprises of Getting Straight Teeth

I was driving back home from work when I held my chipped tooth in my hand. Tears. It was too late to call a dentist so I obviously didn’t sleep that night. As soon as it hit 9 am, I made an appointment with Dr. Hiba Aalyaseen at Legends Dental. When I arrived at her beautiful (and so clean) clinic in Gledswood Hills, she explained that the reason for my chipped tooth was due to an improper bite. I should have fixed my teeth years ago but when I was younger, braces were my only option and I had no idea that crooked teeth would create pressure on other teeth and make them chip! She surprised me by recommending Invisalign and explained that not only will it straight my teeth to relieve the pressure of an improper bite, but that Invisalign could also pull my chipped tooth UP so that it was even along my other teeth as well. Did you know that there was more teeth inside your gum? Much more.

What happened during my Invisalign consultation?

Fortunately, I was a good candidate for Invisalign and was eager to begin my journey. To determine the details of my custom treatment plan, Dr. Hiba used the scanner to make a 3D model of my teeth and I was able to see a simulation of my teeth moving and seeing the potential results before I start the treatment. She explained that I would receive a series of clear, removable aligners that I would wear for two weeks at a time, with regular check-ins to ensure everything was progressing smoothly. My treatment plan was a total of just 14 aligners. That meant that in only 7 months, I would have straight teeth! Unbelievable but it was true! Watch the Invisalign simulation that shows how my teeth will move throughout the treatment and eventually end up straight!

The next step was to wait for my aligners to come in. Once I received the call from the dental clinic, I told them I was available immediately. At my appointment, Dr. Hiba placed attachments on my teeth to help guide the movement of my teeth. She warned me that the first couple of sets of aligners might be tight and even cause discomfort, but it was all part of the process. Read more about Invisalign treatment here.

Once we had that information out of the way, Dr. Hiba rolled up her chair close to me and looked straight into my eyes. She said with absolute certainty, Mariam – I can tell if you have been taking your Invisaligns off longer than you needed to. If you do not commit to this, your teeth will move and the aligners will not fit. Invisalign requires commitment from the patient to work. 

My Invisalign routine

 I followed the plan, replacing my aligners every two weeks and made sure I created a reminder on my phone so that I do not delay the process any longer. There is now an Invisalign app that has all sort of features that aid in your treatment. 

After around 6-8 weeks, I returned to the clinic to ensure everything was progressing as expected. I don’t want to brag, but Dr. Hiba said that she could tell that I was diligent with my aligners and that my teeth were moving properly. Awesome!

Check out this Invisalign video that shows how my teeth will be transformed after my treatment!

What happened when my attachments fell off?

There were a few instances when the attachments came off. To reattach it, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. You will have a template of your teeth so that the dentist can reattach your attachments if that happens. You won’t have to worry about losing track of which alignment you’ve lost. The dentist will know.

I had to return to the clinic for my attachments to be removed because my last aligner set did not include attachment placements

Most people don’t realise that after Invisalign treatment, you will either have to wear a removal retainer or insert a discreet wire behind your teeth permanently to keep your teeth in place.

My experience with Invisalign was a journey filled with surprises and benefits.

The clear aligners were barely noticeable, and I got use to them quite quickly. The downside is that I had to remove them every time I wanted to eat or drink (except water). The process was worth it, and I am now proud to show off my straight smile!  Keep in mind that every treatment plan is unique, and the length of time it takes to complete Invisalign treatment may vary from person to person.

Before and after my Invisalign treatment!

Before and after photos of teeth after Invisalign treatment

Dr.Hiba Aal-Yaseen is a Gold II Invisalign Provider

If you’re in Gledswood Hills or Gregory Hills and are considering Invisalign, I highly recommend Legends Dental. Honestly, even if you are far from Camden Council, it is worth to drive to this clinic. Dr. Hiba Aalyaseen is a Gold II Invisalign provider which means she has extensive experience in the treatment and will guide you every step of the way. They use innovative technology to make each process so much more smoother for their patients. Book your appointment today and begin the process of achieving a straighter, healthier smile!

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